Civic Engagement Curriculum



This curriculum was created to inform, energize, and prepare 16- and 17-year-old OUSD students to participate in school board elections and engage in civic activities, following the successful implementation of Measure QQ

This curriculum is intended for OUSD high schools, to be adapted and used in any 9-12th grade Humanities or Advisory class.  The curriculum was created with the purpose of getting 16 and 17 year old OUSD students informed, energized, and prepared to vote in anticipation of the School Board elections in November 2024, the long awaited implementation of Measure QQ which was passed by Oakland voters in 2020.

Youth at Oakland Youth Vote Registration table posing for a photo.


By the end of the week, students will be able to:

  • Identify what a school board does, the power they hold, who are the current directors and candidates running for election
  • Understand the history and context of the fight for Oakland Youth Vote
  • Articulate why youth voting is important as well as current political opportunities for undocumented youth
  • Get prepared to vote by registering in class and learning how voting procedures work (mail-in ballots, polling locations, rank choice voting, etc) 

This curriculum includes 4 lessons, with a corresponding slideshow presentation, and handouts. The lessons are meant to be adapted and modified to meet the needs of your students and school’s bell schedule. The curriculum was designed to take a week in your classes, but depending on the pace of your students and your style of teaching, it may take longer. If you only have 1 or 2 days to devote to this topic, please prioritize Lessons 1 and 4. 

What Oakland Teachers are Saying

“This curriculum was fantastic. It pulls the curtain of mystery back on the school board, voting, and districting. Voting is one of our strongest powers as citizens and this helps support making sure every student who will eventually go into the polls has some idea of how and what to expect. I highly recommend this curriculum for all students!”

“This curriculum is engaging and very clearly written by and for educators. I love the amount of attention to student voice and engagement. I'm excited that such a historic moment is being rolled out in a thoughtful and intentional way"

Professional Development Opportunities

Come learn how to use this engaging and informative civic engagement curriculum to get them informed, registered, and motivated to vote for the school board. 
This Voter Education Professional Learning opportunity is open to all Oakland high school educators who want to implement this new content that will be giving students detailed information about the upcoming school board elections and how voting works. The curriculum was designed by former teachers and community leaders with input from Oakland teachers, students and activists. 

PD Sessions

  • Tuesday August 27, 4-6PM In Person, Paid for all high school teachers
  • Friday Sept 20, District PD Day, 10-11:30AM via zoom
  • Friday Sept 20, District PD Day, 1:00-2:30PM via zoom

Introduction to Oakland Youth Vote and School Board

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the history and context of Oakland Youth Vote Movement
  • Understand what a school board does and the decision making power they hold
  • Get to know the OUSD school board directors and the key issues they work on

Deeper Understanding of Oakland Youth Vote and School Board

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the history and context of the fight for Oakland Youth Vote
  • Identify what a school board does, the power they hold, and how they operate 
  • Identify important school board issues and how the community, students, and teachers can interact and impact the school board’s decisions

Voter Suppression and Electoral Power

Learning Objectives:

  • Articulate why youth voting is important as well as current political opportunities for undocumented youth 
  • Review the long history of voter suppression and disenfranchisement in the U.S. 
  • Understand the political power young voters possess and the potential to influence elections locally and nationally 

Getting Ready and Registered to Vote!

Learning Objectives:

  • Get registered and ready to vote by becoming familiar with voting procedures

Introduction to Oakland Youth Vote and School Board

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the history and context of Oakland Youth Vote Movement
  • Understand what a school board does and the decision making power they hold
  • Get to know the OUSD school board directors and the key issues they work on


To receive the Civic Engagement Curriculum, please fill out the form below. The curriculum download link will be emailed to you.